Sister Hripsime

Sister Hripsime

Sister Hripsime Tcheftelian

1 Comment

  1. Sister Hripsime was my teacher in Beirut Lebanon. When the civil war start in 1975 we came in California with my parents Hovhaness and Adrine Tchakerian both passed away. Sister Hripsime would love to see me when I called her and I couldn’t make for serious reason got married and lost my child. I lost her phone and since I will always remember her she was sweat, nice and a great teacher. I will always remember her. We also use to go to Anjar, and Bzommar to give a visit to the nuns so as the priest’s. I have the beautiful Virgin Mary painted by an Italian painter. May she rest in Peace and God bless her. so as the other nuns The Golden Day’s of my childhood.

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