Anahide Ter Minassian

Anahide Ter Minassian

Anahide Ter Minassian

1 Comment

  1. Chère Anahide,
    En ces jours d’Avril, anniversaire du terrifiant génocide arménien, perpétré d’Avril 1915 à Juillet 1916, voici un commentaire d’un ami de Jerusalem né à Florence, Michael Ottolenghi,
    au sujet d’ une revue italienne de PISE, intitulée “Il Tempo e l’Idea” écrite par un de mes cousins Bruno Di Porto:

    “Il Tempo e L’Idea. It looks as a very serious publication, reflecting the vitality of the small Jewish community in Italy.
    I read with much interest the article on the Jews and the Armenians (p. 44) which coincidentally finds me re-reading Franz Werfel’s The forty days of the Mussa Dagh, (the Italian translation) that I recently downloaded to my Kindle. The book was published in 1933 and it is amazing how it retrospectively predicts the Jewish Holocaust of ten years later. Except for the scale (“only”10 % of the 6 million Jews) the Armenian genocide has all the patterns of the Shoah: a government decision of annihilating a peaceful religious minority, accompanied by an atrocious execution. The Ottomans, turned to Turks, never paid the price for this unprecedented episode and, moreover, just a few nations – unfortunately Israel not included – are celebrating the anniversary of the Armenian Holocaust. I wonder if the refusal of the Turks to admit responsibility should not bear on their joining EU.”

    Renato & Catherine

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