Sassounian: Obama’s Lack of Credibility Undermines Initiative on Genocide Prevention

If President Obama ends up being a one-term president, he has no one to blame but himself. While it is true that he inherited the Bush Administration’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a devastated economy, he has not only failed to lead the nation out of its quagmire, but in some respects has made matters even worse.

If Obama ends up being a one-term president, he has no one to blame but himself.

Perhaps Obama’s biggest failure has been dashing the hopes and expectations of the American public. While most politicians routinely make promises they do not keep, voters trusted this particular president’s assurances that “Yes, We Can” bring about “Change.”

Regrettably, within weeks of taking office, Obama proved that he was just another unprincipled politician by going back on his solemn promise of acknowledging the Armenian Genocide and playing immoral word games for which he had chided his predecessors. Since then, he has not kept his word on hundreds of other issues, thereby undermining his credibility and causing his popularity to plummet like a lead balloon.

Having lost trust in Obama, most Americans no longer take him seriously even when he attempts to do the right thing. Last week, he issued an important “Presidential Directive” on the prevention of mass atrocities and genocide, mandating the creation of an “Interagency Atrocities Prevention Board” within 120 days. This new Board is to be composed of top U.S. government officials, including the vice president, the secretaries of state, fefense, treasury, and homeland security, the attorney teneral, the national security advisor, and the directors of the CIA, National Security Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency, among others.

In his directive, Obama claimed that “preventing mass atrocities and genocide is a core national security interest and a core moral responsibility of the United States.” He went on to assert with a straight face that “history has taught us that our pursuit of a world where states do not systematically slaughter civilians will not come to fruition without concerted and coordinated effort.” Obama should be reminded of the wise words of philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” How can U.S. officials take any credible action to prevent future genocides when they refuse to acknowledge past genocides?

For this new super agency on “Mass Atrocities” to have any credibility, Obama should stop playing political games with genocide, recognize previous “mass atrocities,” and draw appropriate lessons from them. Otherwise, his new directive becomes just another clever ploy to boost his poor rating.

Actually, Obama came quite close to saying the right thing in his directive, as he was citing historical examples of mass atrocities and genocide: “Sixty-six years since the Holocaust and 17 years after Rwanda, the United States still lacks a comprehensive policy framework and a corresponding interagency mechanism for preventing and responding to mass atrocities and genocide.” Curiously, Obama started his historical narrative with the Holocaust and avoided any mention of the Armenian Genocide—the first genocide of the 20th century. If the United States is serious about fighting mass atrocities and genocide, it should start by refusing to deny and distort historical facts in order to accommodate modern-day political considerations.

In his directive, Obama suggested that the proposed interagency Board consider the recommendations of the Genocide Prevention Task Force, co-chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen. This is a serious mistake because both of these cabinet members have sent letters to Congress opposing the adoption of a resolution on the Armenian Genocide. How could these genocide denialists serve as appropriate guides to prevent future genocides? These two former officials have lost all moral standing to make any pronouncements on the subject of genocide.

Obama also issued last week a presidential proclamation banning the entry into the United States of individuals who have participated in “widespread or systematic violence” against civilians, and committed “war crimes, crimes against humanity or other serious violations of human rights.”

Here are my humble suggestions regarding the two foregoing presidential initiatives:

1) Since descendants of genocide victims have a unique sensitivity regarding acts of mass violence, Obama should appoint one representative of each of those victimized groups to the “Interagency Atrocities Prevention Board,” at least in an advisory capacity; and

2) To prevent new genocides, Obama should ban the entry into the United States of not only those who have participated in gross human rights violations, but also those who are genocide deniers, because denial is the final step of the genocidal process, and a license to commit future genocides.

Harut Sassounian

Harut Sassounian

California Courier Editor
Harut Sassounian is the publisher of The California Courier, a weekly newspaper based in Glendale, Calif. He is the president of the Armenia Artsakh Fund, a non-profit organization that has donated to Armenia and Artsakh one billion dollars of humanitarian aid, mostly medicines, since 1989 (including its predecessor, the United Armenian Fund). He has been decorated by the presidents of Armenia and Artsakh and the heads of the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic churches. He is also the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.


  1. Hye, Harut, an excellent article.  Truths exposed and the morality (or lack of morality) is obvious and expressed… clearly.  
    When the president of the USA (immediately after his election) first travelled to a Turkey it was hoped he was not just another politician… ‘buying’ our votes. He came away from a Turkey – more to accommodate the Turk – rather, than to address all the Turk crimes of Genocides!!
    Clearly, even before visiting a Turkey,  his very first efforts shall have been for his/USAs stance representing the wishes of citizens of the USA to aid in the end of the cycle of Genocide of the African peoples of Darfur.  The Sudanese (allied with a Turkey) were/are committing a Genocide of the Darfurians.  Sudanese, were of course, aping the Turkish method of eliminating humans for their own convoluted goals.  To this day, Obama’s neglect to reach out to end the cycle of the Genocide of the black Darfurians – the Sudanese against the Darfurians – sadly, not addressed by the president of the USA!  
    Then, too, the Turkish Genocide of the Armenian nation… Our president, (seeking the votes to assure his election to the presidency) stated, in effect, his promise to immediately address the Turkish Genocide of the Armenians – a people who have recovering from the inhumanity of the Turks (too, their lies and ongoing denials of their guilt for the crime of Genocides. This promise by Obama was – obviously- just another political ploy – seeking votes/forget the promises! Morality, ending the cycle of Genocides (today, Darfur) forget morality.  
    Perpetrators of Genocides/winners… Victims/losers.  Oh my, how the presidency has lost its morality…  Obama is great at speaking his speeches… which evidently are well prepared… but the stature of the presidency… has gone the way of all politicians.
    As for the former Secretary of State, Albright and former Secretary of Defense… ‘placed’ in an office named THE GENOCIDE PREVENTION TASK FORCE… Both, obviously, secured in a well paying position… representing  a nation which has been receiving reparations and more from Germany.   Actually, and in truth,  this ‘organization’ shall have been composed of persons whose nations  have suffered unresolved Genocides,,,, are still working towards accomplishing the reparations (despite denials) and more from the perpetrators… still know the pain of their Genocides not yet addressed, not secured, still seeking via acknowledgment of advanced and civilized  nations to address and recognize their own nations losses.  

  2. You are right on, Harut. To vote for Obama is to cast a vote for continued deception, denial, and manipulation. He is an astonishing example of how a man can rise to one of the highest positions in the world, and then quickly plummet to mediocrity and contempt because the transparency and integrity he promised simply did not materialize. His actions did not match his words. Let his downfall be a lesson to all those whose fraudulent actions are based on self-interest and self-promotion. Transparency and integrity always trump power and prestige in the end. You don’t need a great script writer. There are still lessons in the nursery rhymes for some of us:

    Humpety Dumpety sat on a wall, 
    Humpety Dumpety had a great fall,
    All the King’s Horses, and all the King’s Men,
    Couldn’t put Humpety together again.    

  3.   Another interesting commentary. I like the idea of an advisory board composed of descendants of the victim nations. granted it is only an advisory group. Credibility would come from having an ensemble with Armenians, Jews, Bosians, Cambodians, etc. The diversity, in itself, would add value to the intent. You are right Harout, there is no difference between perpetrators and deniers from the victim’s perspective. Thank you.

  4. How Harut Sassounian has managed to write a fresh & insightful (weekly) column for more than 30 years…remains a mystery to me. But, he’s done it again…! His consistent effort and mammoth accomplishment stand alone…in a world of redundancy & intellectual mediocrity.

  5. Though I am no big fan of this president and his blatant campaign reversal on the Armenian Genocide, however, tell me: which president who promised to recognize the Armenian genocide during an election actually did once president? Clinton? George W.? Are you going to be mad at all future presidents once lectured by the Zionist run State department to ignore the Armenian Genocide in order to protect the Jews of Turkey and their interests? (See Abe Foxman) Or is it that you really want a republican at all cost to ruin the economy and middle class some more? Which is it? We are mostly in debt because of the Bush tax cuts and 2 unfunded wars something Republicans will never tell you.

  6. one more thing: I believe during President Bush’s tenure Armenians had the best opportunity for a genocide resolution as we had enough votes to pass both the house and senate. Correct me if I’m wrong but President Bush actually went to congressional member’s houses to stop congressional members from even voting. I don’t remember one critical article from you on how this man knifed the Armenian Community in the back let alone the stupidity of cutting taxes to billionaires and starting 2 unfunded wars at the same time bankrupting the treasury.

  7. “Are you going to be mad at all future presidents once lectured by the Zionist-run State Department to ignore the Armenian Genocide in order to protect the Jews of Turkey and their interests?”
    There is a great deal of truth in this statement. The crypto-Jewish followers of Sabbatai Zevi are still active in the highest echelons of power in Turkey. This group (the so-called Dönmeh in Turkish) played an enormous role in the Young Turk movement — the orchestrator of the genocide of Armenians.
    Beginning in the 10th century, and continuing until the 19th century, Armenians were (wrongly) considered to be Amalekites by some Jewish authorities. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia were to be exterminated (“David waged a sacred war of extermination against the Amalekites…”)

  8. John,

    I don’t know how old you are, but, as Peter Musurlian wrote in his above comment, I have been writing a weekly commentary in my newspaper, The California Courier for 30 years. I have criticized all the Presidents who have lied to us on the Genocide issue, regardless of whether they were Democrats or Republicans! I try to defend the Armenian Cause and not Democratic or Republican parties.
    For your information, I have written tons of columns severely critizing Pres. Bush for his failure to keep his promise on the Armenian Genocide.
    In answer to your question, the only President who has kept his promise on the Armenian Genocide was Ronald Reagan.
    Since you are asking me to correct you, yes, you are wrong that Pres. Bush went to Congress members’ houses (!) to lobby against the genocide resolution. He did, however, personally call the congressional leaders, asking them not to bring the resolution to a vote.
    I don’t mind it if you are too young to remember some of these facts. We
    were all young once and had to learn what we know now. Until then, there is no reason to act like a know it all! A little humility would go a long way, especially when we are still learning some basic facts. I know I learn something new everyday and I am not ashamed to admit it.

  9. If I am not mistaken, didn’t SOME Armenian-American organizations and NEWS ORGANIZATIONS encourage Armenian-American voters to support Obama during the campaign ??????????

    I apologize  if I am mistaken. 

  10. re.  Obama also issued last week a presidential proclamation banning the entry into the United States of individuals who have participated in “widespread or systematic violence” against civilians, and committed “war crimes, crimes against humanity or other serious violations of human rights.”

    Does this mean Turkey must change the names of every school, park, street, museum, etc. that carries the names enver pasha, talaat pasha and jemal pasha or erdogan can’t visit United States??

    Lots of Armenians and Armenian organizations supported and voted for Obama. Lots of Armenians and Armenian organizations also supported Speaker Pelosi.
    They didn’t keep their word. Now what ? we take our marbles and go home ?
    There is no alternative: we have to be in the game. We win some, and lose some.
    Obama was elected largely on  liberal monetary support and liberal vote. Once in office, he made a 180 degree turn:  he has become worse than G.W. Bush as far as civil liberties is concerned. He became even more of warmonger than Bush. He has become a puppet of Wall Street, at the expense of the proverbial ‘working man’.
    This is the system. We have to operate within its constaints. If we stay out, we’ll have zero influence on US’s foreign affairs.
    The fact that Turks (and now Azeris) have to spend millions to counter our efforts means we have some level of influence.
    If we stay out, they’ll have the field all to themselves.  Armenia  and Artskakh will become easy prey for the Neocon Imperialists.
    Our Jewish friends are about 6 million in the US, they have been here a lot longer, have maybe 100 Billionaires (how many do we have ?), several hundred centi-millionaires, tens of thousands of millionaires – and they don’t always get their way either. They do a lot more often, but not always.
    We have to understand the balance of forces, and work to increase our side of force.
    In addressing the question of whether it is better to be loved or feared, Machiavelli writes, “The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to combine them, it is far safer to be feared than loved if you cannot be both.”

  12. AR… no one knows what it means. What he said is not necessarily what is going to happen. It could be a totally different story board. We’ll have to wait and see how this unfolds. Maybe Harut would do a follow-up for us.

  13. Harut,
    I’m not trying to belittle your work or trying to disrespect you However, Why not deal with the REALITY that there are other players inside our government, namely the US State Department, that no matter who the president is, always seem to kill any Armenian Genocide resolution? Do you think that Obama, Bush jr or sr or even Clinton don’t believe in the reality of the Armenian Genocide? Or even Albright or Cohen? The reality is we have internal forces here in the US against the Armenian interests and until that is addressed no president ever will utter the word GENOCIDE. Ron Reagan, after the first year NEVER EVER CALLED IT GENOCIDE AGAIN. WHO GOT TO HIM? That’s who we need to go after.

  14. Mr. Sassounian,

    I would like to apologize to you for the above statements.  I am in my sixties and have learned enougth to realize that you have done more for Armenia, and Armenians, than almost anyone alive today, and do not deserve any criticism. I would consider it an honor to meet you some day.

    Joe Derderian – Detroit Area 

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