By Stepan Keshishian
WATERTOWN, Mass.—On Sat., Nov. 27, the Greater Boston “Nejdeh” AYF Chapter held a dance in honor of its 10th anniversary at the Armenian Cultural and Educational Center (ACEC) in Watertown.
In 2000, the Watertown “Gaidzag” and Boston “Siamanto” AYF Chapters merged to create the Greater Boston “Nejdeh” Chapter. This barahantes was an opportunity for current members to gather, and for the many alumni to celebrate, reminisce, and rediscover old friendships.
The evening began with a cocktail hour in the lobby of the ACEC, after which guests made their way into the auditorium to enjoy music, mezzeh, and dancing. Entertainment was provided by Onnik Dinkjian and his band, comprised of John Berberian, Bruce Gigarjian, Ron Tutunjian, Paul Mouradian, and Mal Barsamian. The event was also DJ-ed by Boston’s very own DJ ABAO (Harout Yogurtian).
Around 300 guests attended the event. Afterwards, Onnik Dinkjian spoke of how amazed and overwhelmingly proud he was in seeing the youth gather in such large numbers. Many AYF members from cities throughout the eastern region were also in attendance, offering their support and helping unite our greater Armenian community.
Although this event was successful in its ability to bring our community together for an enjoyable and memorable evening, its true success should be measured in the will and dedication of our young AYFers, in working together to create such a joyous and celebratory atmosphere. The 10th anniversary celebration was a true testament to the principles of passion, unity, and selfless devotion—some of the primary threads from which the fabric of the AYF is woven. These are the same ideals that will drive our youth toward becoming the future leaders of our community and our Cause.
I wonder if the members of the “Nejdeh” Chapter know about the life of the person after whom they take their name. If the history of this man is reviewed, it is truly inspiring. While dancing and celebrating may be enjoyable, so will be the education of the AYF when and if they take the time to study the life and sacrifices of this hero.