Marriages That Thrive

An Invitation from the Sabounjians

Reverend Father Krikor and Yn. LuAnn Sabounjian, Armenian Church of the Holy Translators

For the second year in a row, we are gathering for “couples night out” organized by several Armenian spiritual leaders of our community. This meeting primarily aims to support the marriage relationship, the most important relationship that makes a healthy family and community.

When a husband and wife are disconnected and are not present, it can become painful and isolating. It’s the intimate relationship that celebrates the greatest joy and satisfaction of unconditional love. 

We live in a rather “instant” world — fast food, ATMs, text messages. We have high expectations for these modern-day luxuries, and we get disappointed when they fail us. The problem is we can’t apply these quick and easy techniques to our marriage relationship. Marriage is not served up in a microwave or refreshed with the push of a button. Relationships just don’t work that way. Not only are we overwhelmed by this environment that fosters instant-gratification, we also live in a time that encourages self-centered joy that results in questions like, “What about me?” This promotion of the “me first” attitude is not healthy in a marriage. Our Christian principles and values encourage us to build and shape our marriage relationships on a more selfless standard that puts the other first. Marriage takes time and attention to become really beautiful and sustain that beauty. It needs a “slow cooker” preparation with select ingredients that include, among other things, patience and love. The more time we invest in it, the more delightful and cherished it becomes. As it says in Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” 

On March 30, couples will be given the opportunity to listen, share and evaluate their marriage relationship. They will see and appreciate the hidden and often overlooked blessings in their relationship, blessings that have perhaps been neglected and glazed over from the busy and hectic nature of everyday life. Couples will be encouraged by Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen’s messages, and they will hopefully walk away with a newfound inspiration to love, cherish, celebrate and find gratitude in the lasting bond that their marriage relationship can create.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 30 at 5:30 PM at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Cambridge. Tickets cost $100 per couple and include dinner (make check payable to Armenian Memorial Church). Please RSVP by Friday, March 22. Until then, take a moment to read invitations from our friends, the Boynerians and the Kouzouians.

For tickets contact:

Rev. Dr. Avedis Boynerian at (59 White St., Belmont, MA 02478)
Yn. LuAnn Sabounjian at (76 Rolling Meadow Dr., Holliston 01746)
Fr. Vasken Kouzouian at (145 Brattle St., Cambridge 02138)

This article is a press release submitted to the Armenian Weekly and has been published to our community news section as a courtesy. If your organization has news it would like to submit to the paper for consideration, please email us at Please note that this service is reserved for organizations that engage in not-for-profit or humanitarian work in the Armenian community. Publication is not guaranteed.

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