The Providence ARF remembers Khanasor

Khanasor Picnic, May 22, 2022

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The Providence Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) held its annual Khanasor picnic on Sunday at Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church. A large crowd of supporters was entertained by Mike Gregian (clarinet), Hagop Garabedian (keyboard) and Carnig “Carl” Goshgarian (vocals) while enjoying beef kebab, losh kebab and chicken dinners.

Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian, May 22, 2022

Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian blessed the meals and the community members in attendance, each of whom received a pamphlet explaining the significance and history of the Khanasor expedition. The Homenetmen Scouts performed traditional songs to commemorate the historic battle of Khanasor which took place in 1897. Providence ARF member Michael Varadian served as emcee.

Homenetmen Providence scouts perform traditional Armenian songs, May 22, 2022

Each year, the Providence ARF proudly remembers the heroic efforts of the valiant fedayees who fought in the battle, many of whom lost their lives. Although ARF founder Rosdom’s brother Garo and 25 other fedayees were among the casualties, the Khanasor Expedition was a triumph for the Armenians, both militarily and morally. As a result, Armenians built up their self-confidence and their belief in their ability to defend themselves. To this day, the ARF remembers the event in commemorative ceremonies honoring the expedition as an important event in the history of the Armenian struggle for freedom.

Stephen Elmasian

Stephen Elmasian

Stephen Elmasian is the co-chair of ANC-RI. He recently retired as the fiscal manager for the RI Secretary of State.
Stephen Elmasian

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