It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of ungerouhi Chaké Der Melkonian-Minassian, a veteran Armenian Relief Society (ARS) member of our Canadian region. The loss of ungerouhi Minasian leaves behind the painful reality of an irreplaceable presence.
Beyond doubt, her decades-long achievements in the realms of organizational, educational, and inspiring literary work shall always be remembered for their intellectual excellence and integrity. Even at her advanced age, her ever imposing and caring presence in our ranks enhanced or confidence in our humanitarian mission, and shall continue to inspire coming generations of Homuhis.
On this mournful occasion, the ARS Central Executive Board and the Central Office staff convey their heartfelt condolences to her family, relatives, countless friends in the community and in academia, and particularly the Regional Executive and membership of ARS of Canada. May her spirit and example guide us in all our future endeavors.
The Armenian Relief Society Central Executive Board
Chake DerMelkonian was one of my favorite teachers at Palanjian
Djemaran in Beirut ,Lebanon in late 1940s. I enjoyed listening to her discuss social ,political and international issues and topics.She was inspiratioal and had a knack for bringing the best instincts out of
people.She encouraged us to excel in every field of endeavor
In making a difference for the Armenian people.She was a monumental force for good for the Armenian community and will be soarly missed.
she was my godmother, when i joined ARS in MONTREAL CANADA in 1972, may God rest her soul
sonia kantzabedian
los angeles