Ter-Petrosyan Reiterates Call for Compromise on Artsakh


YEREVAN (A.W.)—Former Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan reiterated his support for a compromise solution to the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh) conflict, saying there can be “no other solution” in a March 21 interview with Armenian Public Television.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan (Photo: Armenian Public Television/YouTube)

The former President and current opposition leader said that the people must demand that the Armenian government to solve the problem and the “everyday deaths of our sons.”

During the interview, Ter-Petrosyan said that he was in strong support of the proposed 2007 Madrid Principles, which calls for a return of the territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabagh to Azerbaijani control and an interim status for Nagorno-Karabagh providing guarantees for security and self-governance. The proposed peace settlement also calls for a future determination of the final legal status of Nagorno-Karabagh through a legally binding expression of will, something that Ter-Petrosyan referred to as a “great victory” for the Armenian people.

“The Armenian and Azerbaijani people must force their governments to opt for peace,” said Ter-Petrosyan, who also stressed that besides the Armenian National Congress (ANC)-Armenian People’s Party (APP) Bloc, the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) is the only other political force that supports this peace proposal. “[Their] fairy tales have nothing to do with reality,” said Ter-Petrosyan, criticizing other political parties and blocs for having tougher positions on the Artsakh conflict and its solution.

Deputy speaker of the Armenian Parliament and RPA spokesperson Eduard Sharmazonov welcomed Ter-Petrosyan’s remarks. Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian service, Sharmazonov said that the Madrid Principles are in line with Armenian interests.

“First of all, it is very important that Armenia’s first President also accepts that today’s authorities were [fairly] elected. Secondly, [the authorities] are not taking steps in solving the Karabagh conflict that go against our national interests. Furthermore, he points out that the Madrid Principles… which was adopted by our government as a basis [for negotiations] is not treacherous,” Sharmazonov said.



  1. I wonder if Ter-Petrosyan’s wife also calls for a compromise in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the return of territories to Palestine from Israel.

  2. We need a new President that is not going to losee wars, sell our lands, or keep the people poor, uneducated, unemployed ,and in horrific living conditions.

    We need a new economy, new military, new education system, and new living standards in Armenia.

    People are sick of these politicians stealing the countries money and keeping the people poor, uneducated, and unemployed

    The Country and people are not bringing in any new businiess, Schools or military powers or equipment to help Armenia and Artsa kh.

    Power to the Armenian people all across the world.

  3. We need new minds, new military equipment, new politicians, new education system, new economy, and better Living conditions in Armenia and less corruption.

    Power to the Armenian people.

  4. It’s people like Ter-Petrosyan who betraid his people and land going along with Turks in 1900’s. And we know how it’s end up. Why anybody listening this traitor who once sold his country running away as a president.

  5. Why is the press interviewing this spineless idiot. Anybody who talks about the infamous Madrid principles, like this fool and the Republican party are traitors and should treated as such.

  6. Are the Armenians so naive and stupid to believe Azerbaijan or Turkey? All the Turks dream is to get rid of Armenia and meet their brethren in the east. It is pan-turkism; it is a new genocide in perspective. Whoever believes that Turkey and Azerbaijan have good eyes over Armenians let them go there and stay away from Armenians

  7. The 2007 Madrid Principles convince only 6-year old kids. The Status Quo should stay until the adversary’s oil and gas run out.

  8. This guy just doesn’t get it and his ideas are obsolete and should be ignored. No one doubts we all pain every time one of our brave young heroes makes the ultimate sacrifice on the front lines but he want to sacrifice the entire territory thinking its going to end the conflict? Lets be clear: the Madrid principals is A DISASTER for the Armenian nation and a gift to the Azeri regime. The April war and the meditator’s obtuse silence that followed and still follows, is perfectly clear to me that relinquishing liberated ARMENIAN lands today for future referendum, would NEVER have led to a free and independent Arstakh but just the opposite. The Azeri’s and Turks have no intention for ever declaring Arstakh free. Till date they has signed many agreements that are not kept yet this one the Azeri’s will honor? “Security guarantees” is fairy tale. The Armenian Army is the ONLY security guarantee and has been for 25 years. Its the ONLY reason Arsakh is truly democratic while Azerbaijan is basically a mafia style family run prison. There is no doubt that in the end some form of compromise is needed but the Madrid principals is useless for Armenia, who BTW already won the war, who has been free for 25 years and doesn’t need to give anything back as the starting point. Who thinks this way? What Armenia truly needs is; 1. SMARTER leadership that doesn’t use their position to steal the country as those are traitors in my eyes. Leadership that truly wishes success, prosperity and gain for their fellow Armenian who understands that their gain is all of our gain. 2. A more potent powerful modern Armenian Army. With out doubt the Army is the only real security guarantee of our nation who BTW is still experiencing and overcoming a Genocide, who’s perpetrators not only deny it but are the same actors who Ter-Petrosyian wants to compromise with. 3. Creation of one universal Armenian nation, Armenia, Artsak and diaspora, all working together collectively for the betterment, prosperity, growth for All Armenians, justice for the Armenian Genocide and a just resolution of the Arstakh conflict resulting in its independence. Nothing less.

    BTW Armenian Weekly I hope you print this as dialogue and sharing of ideas are monumental. When you arbitrarily delete many post, as is common with AW, and ones that have no profanity but rather a basic disagreement, tells me your publication is not one to be taken too seriously.

  9. The problem is not with Ter-Petrosyan as much, we all know he is a traitor. The problem is he still has a lot of blind followers. And a bigger problem yet is Sergik Sargsyan has embraced his defeatist policy and has set the course of surrendering the liberated lands. Anyone who challenges him goes to jail with made up charges: Jirayr Sefilian, now Samvel Babayan, who is next? Sasna Tsrer would not have happened if it was not for the question of lands. And Hats Berogh would not have died, there would not have been political prisoners held in jail without trial, and the country wouldn’t be brought to the edge of instability.

    • Sasoon,

      The ARF cooperates with HHK because it knows the HHK will NEVER return Artsakh to the Azeris. What our politicians say in the international arena and what they do on the ground in Artsakh are are very different things. And you sound like Vahan Martirosyan and your fearmongering is taken right out of the Azeri playbook. Please take your propaganda to Facebook where it belongs. Don’t pollute Armenian Weekly with your nonsense. No one buys it anymore. Don’t you see that already? Tell me again how many people show up to your rallies?

  10. And mind you, ARF is in coalition with Sergik’s mafia government who is preparing to hand out our liberated lands to Azerbaijan.

  11. I think we need to vote for Dodi Gago for the next President of Armenia. He is a great business man, Artin smart human, Tough, an Armenian Patriot, and will make our countries military, economy , and theliving condtions in Armenia much better than it is.

    God Bless Armenia.

    • This is the same reason American’s voted for Trump. And Trump has broken all of his promises in only four months. Don’t be fooled by celebrities.

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