Armenian Genocide Commemoration to be Held in Times Square on April 23

NEW YORK—Thousands will gather in New York’s Times Square (43rd St./Broadway) to commemorate the 102nd anniversary commemoration of the Armenian Genocide On April 23, 2-4 p.m. In recognition of Genocide Awareness Month in April, Holocaust Remembrance Day will also be commemorated, along with other genocides committed in contemporary history.

Thousands gathered in Times Square in 2016 to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (Photo: Anahid Kaprielian)

This powerful event, free and open to the public, will honor the 1.5 million Armenians who were massacred by the Young Turk Government of the Ottoman Empire and the millions of victims of genocide worldwide. Speakers will include well-known artists, politicians, academics and humanitarians. Dr. Rachel Goshgarian, Professor of History at Lafayette College and Armen McOmber, Esq. will preside over the program. The theme of this year’s commemoration is “Turkey is Guilty of Genocide: Denying the Undeniable is a Crime.”

The 102nd Armenian Genocide Commemoration is organized by the Mid-Atlantic chapters of the Knights & Daughters of Vartan (, an international Armenian fraternal organization headquartered in the United States, and co-sponsored by the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), the Armenian Assembly of America, and the Armenian Council of America and the Armenian Democratic League-Ramgavars.

Participating organizations include the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, Prelacy of the Armenian Church of America, Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA), Armenian Catholic Eparchy for U.S. and Canada, the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America (ACYOA), the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF-YOARF), Armenian youth organizations and university Armenian clubs.

For more information, please visit,

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  1. When will America start Supporting Armenia with Military equipment and education to kill Turkey Insyead of supporting a Stupid Islamic Nations that is a threat to our Society.

    We are Armenian’s are the first Christian Nation in the world and this is the the respect we get from other Christian Nations.

    America funds Turkey with Military weapons and ever other type of necessity it has needed for years.That evil Islamic Sunni Radical nation.

    Shame on America!!! Stop the injustice
    And help Armenia out for once instead of backstabbing, hurting , and betraying Armenians just like the United States has first all these years by helping our enemies

    Shame on USA!!!

  2. Once again I was present at Times Square this year.
    Thank you and congratulations to all for continuing the tradition and for all of your hard work.

    I have spectrum at my residence and was hoping to see and hear about today’s commemoration. Instead I heard that today is holocaust Remembrance Day.
    Furious I called up NY 1 and asked them if they were aware of the gathering at Times Square. Their answer was yes. I asked them why they did not cover the news. Their answer was they did not have the resources.
    At 10 pm I turned to channel 5 FOX news with the hope of hearing from them about the gathering commemorating the Armenian genocide …….nothing about Armenian genocide, instead they to showed a synagogue full of Jews commemorating the holocaust.
    Very disheartening to say the least.

  3. I am Armenian, and would love to march in the Armenian genocide justice. Please update me on when,where, and what time it will be held. I would love to come for the justice of all Armenians!

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