‘We Understand that the Reasons Why these People Have Resorted to Such a Desperate Step Are Deeply Rooted in Our Society; these Reasons Must Be Eradicated.’
We [the ARF] welcome the armed group’s decision to surrender, because it was the only way to avoid more deaths and further bloodshed. Naturally, it was always our main goal to reach this settlement. I believe that this outcome is the result of common sense on both sides; the government’s patient approach greatly contributed to this result.
The members of the armed group—patriots who understand their country—realized that this could lead to new victims, and that nothing is worth further bloodshed and more deaths. This is very much appreciated.
In this situation, the main problem remains the following. The process should take place with the logic we [the ARF] had outlined earlier. No retribution should be carried out against these people [armed group]. Both [the ARF] and the public should closely follow the situation, and do our utmost to ensure that the charges against them are handled properly, and that the mildest approach allowed by law be adopted.
At the same time, we understand that the reasons why these people have resorted to such a desperate step are deeply rooted in [Armenian] society; these reasons must be eradicated. We must do everything to ensure that these grievances disappear.
Therefore, there is a need for well-thought action. While accepting all the approaches and possibilities that can lead us to eradicating these grievances, we do not approve of the methods that may actually place us farther away from reaching that goal. This is the main lesson we—the authorities, the public, and the political powers—should take away from all this. The logical ways to solve the amassed problems of our country are the well-known and accepted methods around the world, through which democracy and the rule of law are established, and human rights are protected; only then can the public’s legitimate grievances and protest disappear.
For this, one needs hard work and a conscious approach, and people who can make it a reality should get to work. This really should be a lesson for us all, so that we can—sooner rather than later—establish such a system, in which no one could violate the rights of a fellow compatriot and distract us from our common national goals.
bla bla bla
They say birds of a feather flock together. By forming a coalition with those who are destroying the country from inside, you are really not better than them.
Let as start prosecuting the Police official(s) who gave the order to beat and arrest peaceful citizens. Entering into private residences with guns and terrorizing citizens unlawful without warrants. I am sure the list of unlawful deeds by the police is long , and many have been captured in film.
is there official focuments of police unlawful actions by the police,then he authorities (if they are not corrupt should thoroughly investigate and correct the situation.Good luck.
Let the government change their unlawfull attitudes and their stalinian way of running the country with their backwarded dirty capitalistic attitudes first.
To avoid further bloodshed, this seems to be the way to go. Violence befits only Turkey.
Because the seeds of corruption started under the watch of Ter Bedrossyan, he along with the successors who have robbed and continue to rob the riches and dignity of the Armenian people, should be taken to court, and criminalized.
Everything should be done to reverse the agreement made by the current President and his government to give up lands. Lands that belong to the nation. They were and are only custodians. Not forgetting the families of the soldiers who lost their lives and are serving the country.
While the decision to surrender was the way to go, the government has a major responsibility to correct damage done, to avoid further unrest, and to bring peace and prosperity to Armenia and Artsakh.
Why after all was over? Where were the ARF leadership when the country really needed them? Who needs an “after the fact” political organization? They claim to be the protectors of the Armenian Nation, but what nation without its people? Why not wait for Artsakh to be handed over to the Azeris, Armenia to be emptied of its people, and the national language to be changed to Russian before they come out of their holes.
I find this a reasonable statement, regardless of the fact who makes it.
Every Azkasser Armenian has responsibility to help correct injustices. It is “cop out” to blame organizations that have yet to create leaders. To even replace leaders massacred during the Genocide by Turkey. Today’s organizations seem to be shadows of one or more foreign governments. Therefore helpless to influence the biased OSCE.
Besides, Armenia currently has more residents from NGOS, cults, “do gooders” and others influencing the course of Armenia and Artsakh than native or hayrenatartz selfless Armenians. No wonder it is taking forever to eradicate corruption or criminalize robbers and traitors.
Responding. The Armedian language may not end up being one of the most used languages because of numbers using it, but it is here to stay. Neither Russian nor Chinese, nor English will replace it completely.