BOSTON, Mass.—To mark Genocide Prevention Month in April, the Third Annual Walk Against Genocide will take place in Boston on April 10 at 1:30 p.m. The program will feature speakers on genocides and mass killings of the 20th and 21st centuries. It will start with a gathering at the New England Holocaust Memorial followed by a walk to the Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway for a closing program.
Expected speakers are Marie Carine Boggis (Rwanda); Laura Boghosian (Armenia); Roger Brooks (Facing History and Ourselves); Eric Cohen (Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur); Massachusetts State Representative Jon Hecht; Jim Kalustian (Armenia); Anthony Kasongo (Congo); Mohamed Khalifa (Sudan); Fred Manasse (Holocaust); Dina Meran (Yezidis and Kurds); Christina Mukankaka (Rwanda); Alexa/Alisa Raniuk (Ukrainian Holodomor); Michael Ross (Holocaust); Edina Skaljic (Bosnia); and Sophy Theam (Cambodia).
The event is sponsored by the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur, Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Boston, Armenian Heritage Foundation, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian National Committee of Eastern Massachusetts, Congolese Genocide Awareness, Facing History and Ourselves, Free Yezidi Foundation, Friends of Rwandan Genocide Survivors (FORGES), Greater Boston Holodomor Remembrance Committee, and New England Friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For more details, visit the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur website at
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