On Tues., Oct. 15, I will do something I have never done before: I will cast a ballot. What makes this significant day even more special is the fact that I will be voting for Peter Koutoujian.
In April 2012, I had the distinct honor of introducing Sheriff Peter Koutoujian at the Massachusetts State House Genocide Commemoration. I was there to present “Stand up for Your Survivor,” a program where Armenians can represent their relatives who survived the genocide by holding up posters with enlarged photographs. I thank Sheriff Koutoujian for honoring his Armenian heritage and making sure the State House event is continued. Last year’s commemoration was canceled due to the Boston Marathon bombing. As Middlesex County Sheriff, Koutoujian played a huge role in keeping the people of his district safe during that time.
A former State Representative, Koutoujian is not just another candidate for Congress. He is a man who spoke to my class at St. Stephen’s Elementary School. We looked to the sheriff in times of crisis. He has been a champion of education who took time out of his schedule to attend a Knights of Vartan event and present certificates to myself and fellow high school graduates of Armenian descent. I am honored to be able to vote for Peter Koutoujian on the 15th.
To everyone in the 5th Congressional District, your vote counts! We absolutely need your support! There is still time to vote by absentee ballot if you cannot get to the polls on Oct. 15. If you live outside the district, volunteer to help get out the vote, call friends who can vote, help canvas door to door, give a donation, or visit www.koutoujianforcongress.
Don’t let this rare opportunity slip away!
Anahis Kechejian
AYF Greater Boston “Nejdeh” Chapter
Northeastern University
Jattend avec impatience la reussite de mr koutoujian Armenak