Below is the full text of the joint statement issued on April 24, 2013 by Catholicos Karekin II and Catholicos Aram I, urging Turkey to return confiscated Armenian churches and church assets.

In 2015, Armenians in the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh, and the Armenian Diaspora will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire.
In 1915, more than 1.5 million Armenians became victims of genocide. The survivors on the roads of exile found shelter in Eastern Armenia, the present-day Republic of Armenia, Syria, Lebanon, and other Arab nations, and in a number of other countries of the world.
The genocide victims and the internally displaced people who lived under the jurisdiction of the Ottoman Empire in Western Armenia, Cilicia, and other regions of the Ottoman Empire, along with their own personal estates, also lost estates and holdings owned by the church–including churches, sanctuaries, and monasteries; religious, educational, and charitable institutional centers; treasures of cultural and religious value, cross-stones (khatchkars), illuminated manuscripts, icons and other items of value; and holdings owned by the state of Turkey under the classification of “abandoned estates.”
Now, 98 years after the genocide the present Turkish nation, as the successor of the Ottoman Empire, not only denies that its predecessors plotted and committed the genocide, but also continues its anti-Armenian policy, still retaining confiscated church estates and properties, and the religious and cultural treasures of the Armenian people.
Therefore, we call on the Republic of Turkey and demand the following:
to recognize the Armenian Genocide;
to fully compensate the Armenians who suffered losses and the violation of their human and national rights; and
to immediately return the Armenian churches, monasteries, church properties, and spiritual and cultural treasures to the Armenian people as their rightful owner.
Remembering the victims of the Armenian Genocide with prayers, we condemn any violation against God-given life, human dignity, and the peaceful coexistence of people “For God is not the God of discord, but of peace ” (Corinthians 14.33), and has called on people for love, solidarity, and cooperation.
With gratitude we honor all nations and peoples who gave shelter to the Armenians displaced by genocide, and showed compassion and brotherly love for the dispersed and exiled Armenians.
The Armenian nation will also be eternally grateful to all the nations that, guided by the principles of humanity and justice, have condemned and officially recognized the Armenian Genocide.
On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, we must put all of our efforts into action to realize the demands of the Armenian nation for the sake of justice and the defense of the rights of all Armenians.
This is excellent. Not that we should expect any definitive response by the Turkish government , but rather because of the joint offering by our leaders of the Holy Sees. The Armenian people yearn for this. With the influence within Armenia of Karekin II and the credibility of Aram I in large areas of the diaspora, the possibilities are the things we dream about…. Armenians working on all cylinders. The church property issue is visible and supported. It is an excellent way to make important inroads to the issue of restitution. This needs to be a sustained coordinated effort… not simply a statement for this solemn day.
Agree completely!
Important statement but I’d like to know if both churches are ready with the prepared and appropriate legal documents to obtain these assets if by any chance any opportunity is opened up. MAybe they’ve been prepared for decades but its important to be ready if such statements are being made.
If you guys have any legitamate claims, be ready to take Turkey to the international courts and this time, and especially try to take us to the Hague. Rather then using worldwide governmental bodies.
If you believe that America is the friend of freedom you would be mistaken.
I like to give my hearth full thanks to His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of The Great House of Cilicia, for bring this reality to the attention and demanding justice for All Armenians from Turkish Government. This view of moral justice should be observed by all nations who already condemned and officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. This reality must be felt by Turkish Government in order for them equally be guided on the principles of humanity and justice to Condemn and Recognize the Armenian Genocide.
The reasoning of humanity regardless of race and color may comment “what are you going to do going forward?”, we know what has happened, and what is the right thing to do that both sides will agree and be just and acceptable universally. It is important to take the view points of general people, because any wrong action will be condemned by them anyway. My prayers are with you all, and the peace and love of God may guide us all in finding resolution to a complicated and heavy moral issue like this among nations. Thank you.
I like to give my heartfelt thank you to His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of The Great House of Cilicia, for bring this reality to the attention and demanding justice for All Armenians from the Turkish Government. The US Government and European Community have been on right course along with many Armenian supporters on pressing human rights issues to Turkish Government. This view of moral justice should be observed by all nations who already condemned and officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. This reality must be felt by Turkish Government in order for them to be equally guided on the principles of humanity and justice to Condemn and Recognize the Armenian Genocide.
The reasoning from both side may comment on the topic of Armenian Genocide, “What are you going to do about it going forward?” they may also comment “We know what has happened, and “What is the right thing to do that would make both sides agreeable now and in the further”. The approach our Church leaders are taking is the first and correct step in resolving the wrong doings of Ottoman Turkish Leaders. The actions that will be pursued in the further must influence both countries to establish cultural and national development without trying to assimilate each other, but support each other’s development as nation and country. Thank you.
I like to give my heartfelt thank you to His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of The Great House of Cilicia, for bringing this reality to the attention and demanding justice for All Armenians from the Turkish Government. The US Government and European Community have been on right course along with many Armenian supporters on pressing human rights issues to Turkish Government. This view of moral justice should be observed by all nations who already condemned and officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. This reality must be felt by Turkish Government in order for them to be equally guided on the principles of humanity and justice to Condemn and Recognize the Armenian Genocide.
The reasoning from both side may comment on the topic of Armenian Genocide, “What are you going to do about it going forward?” they may also comment “We know what has happened, and “What is the right thing to do that would make both sides agreeable now and in the further”. The approach our Church leaders are taking is the first and correct step in resolving the wrong doings of Ottoman Turkish Leaders. The actions that will be pursued in the further must influence both countries to establish cultural and national development without trying to assimilate each other, but support each other’s development as nation and country. Thank you.
Folks, please don’t refer to catholicoses as “leaders”. Such people cannot lead a duck to the water. In the past many have put their trust in them, and have paid the ultimate price. Furthermore, referring to them as “his holiness” is an insult to God. Because God is holy; no human is, nor can anyone be holy. I know they give themselves fancy titles like “your holiness” or “holy father” etc. But according to the Word of God, anyone who refers to them as holy or holiness will not go unpunished. Don’t believe me? Check it up in the Bible, the Word of God!
Not only the two Catholicos are great, patriotic Armenians, but both are great leaders. The fact that both stood side-by-side in Yerevan, during the 20th anniversary of Independence of Armenia, while politicians, former Presidents Levon Ter-Petrossian and Robert Kocharyan were missing, shows what kind of great Armenian patriots and leaders both are. As throughout our history, our Christian religious leaders have led our people with clarity of purpose and true patriotism. God bless Catholicos Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia. God bless Catholicos of All Armenians at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Catholicos Karekin II. God bless heroic leader Archbishop Barkev Martirosyan of heroic Artsakh.