Hovannisian Responds to Sarkisian’s Letter, Demands ‘Concrete Proposals’

YEREVAN—Opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian responded on March 26 to a letter sent by President Sarkisian expressing willingness to discuss the post-election situation in Armenia, especially points made by an earlier letter by Hovannisian proposing, among other things, “comprehensive power sharing.”

Hovannisian in Freedom Square
Hovannisian in Freedom Square

In a letter sent a day earlier, Sarkisian had asked Hovannisian to end the hunger strike.

“I advise you to stop your hunger strike, rest and recover for a couple of days, and we, paper and pen in hand, can start working—without shows—working seriously, accepting as basis the text—albeit very raw—that you yourself proposed,” Sarkisian said in his letter.

In response, Hovannisian refused to halt his strike, but expressed encouragement at Sarkisian’s readiness for further dialogue.

“Although, within the general context of the letter, there were questionable arguments and biased views, nevertheless, your willingness to accept, as basis of discussion, the document I presented can be seen as progress,” said Hovannisian in his response.

“I reaffirm my readiness to meet with you and to discuss solutions to national issues that are now on the table at any time and in any format at Freedom Square,” wrote Hovannisian.

“Thank you for your concern about my health, but there is no need to worry, as I am in quite good health and need no recovery, and we can hold our working meeting without delay for the sake of a new, constitutional Armenia,” he added.

“If for some reason you do not consider Freedom Square as a proper venue for a meeting, feel free to again present in writing your concrete proposals—based on the fundamental points of my document—that were absent in your previous message,” concluded Hovannisian.


  1. Sorry but enough is enough. I cannot stand this nonsense coming from RH anymore. Raffi Hovannisian is disrespectful and an arrogant person.

  2. What does he mean by “comprehensive power sharing”? Does he mean co-presidency? Is such a thing mentioned or even allowed in the constitution of the land or is Hovanessian making things up as he goes?

  3. Am sharing with you the comment by a by a very serious ex-Hayasdantzi.
    Raffi has the support of the Armenian public.
    He would have succeeded if he would have also received the blessings of Putin and Medvedev and Lavrov..
    He showed unacceptable short sightedness and lack of experience by disrespecting the real power brokers of that region.
    Please make sure that he receives this message.

  4. I don’t want Armenia to become a second Syria. If Raffi really wants to make a change, he should stop making a show and do come into some constructive agreement/possible program of cooperation. Otherwise, his protests may become too destructive for us at this moment.

  5. Raffi is setting terms for dialogue, ‘not ‘demanding’ anything. Why the inflammatory headline?

    I stand with Raffi in his effort to fight corruption and bring fairness to Armenia, but I am not ready to declare him the rightfully elected president of Armenia. Nor should he or his supporters. The elections were marred by fraud, which may nullify the results, but doesn’t automatically give a mandate to the Barev camp. The democratic process calls for a review of the voter lists.

    • Boyajian is right.Raffi is NOT DEMANDING…just setting forth his propositions.
      As to Vahagn, you may go on wwell wishing,but in that part of the world*the Caucasus,especially, it is not so.The process is very slow…and it is based on mainly one man rule!!!,take a look around please!!!
      So best we from Diaspora can do is enter into the scene…like I have SUGGESTED, which nobody here*let alone in Ra will heed.
      Unless we act unanimously,like was the case w/having DIASPORAQ MINISTRY.
      Wherein our Delegates from 5 main Armenian community areas, would be there on a permanent basis and COOPERATE!!!!
      W/rgds to the method that ARF is working at , i.e. through the Municipality also quite feasible-if with coordination w/other political factions-and implemented on the spot , WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY, not through Parliament or Gov.t.

  6. What RH is saying in effect is: You either do what I want or I’ll kill myself. This is a diasporan reverse thinking of what used to be common thinking in Armenia: You either do what I want or I’ll kill you!

  7. Raffi is not undermining the Armenian state. He is exercising his right for free speech by presenting a proposal to Serzh. And his method, peaceful civil resistance, has been used extensively in currently established democracies. The method has helped make these countries democratic.

    What is undermining Armenia’s security is lack of democracy. Raffi is actually trying to strengthen the country by proposing to make systematic changes. If his proposal contradicts the constitution, so be it.

    The Armenian constitution is not a functional document. It has picked the worst aspects of the various constitutions around the world, and is actually designed to perpetuate the oligarchic regime. Some examples include lack of true independence of the judiciary, 5-year gap between elections (parliamentary or presidential), which make it that much harder to change a dysfunctional government. After Raffi gains access to power, he should push for systematic changes, and preferably a new constitution.

    • { Raffi is actually trying to strengthen the country by proposing to make systematic changes.}

      Raffi Hovannisian would plunge the country into an unnecessary war if he were president, by recognizing NKR, as he has promised he would, and set back the progress the country has made by at least 10 years, if not destroy it completely.
      How very brave for a man to play with fire when he did not participate in the NKR war.
      If he is so concerned about NKR, why didn’t he volunteer to fight after October 1992 ?

      He has been an abject failure in public life.
      He was fired from his post as FM in 1992 because he cannot control himself or his mouth.
      In 2007 he wrote a letter to President Gul in which he used an AG Denialist phrase to describe the Armenian Genocide.
      His Heritage party lost 2 seats in 2012 Parliamentary election: down to 5 from 7. Heritage got 3.8% of the vote.
      He went to Baku: he was shouted down and physically thrown out; a PR disaster.
      He garnered 37% of the vote for no other reason than that LTP and Tsarukyan sat out the election. With those two in the mix, RH would be lucky to get to 10%.

      His mercurial personality, long track record of impulsive and irrational actions are the last thing RoA needs in its President.
      Armenia needs an adult at its helm, not a 53 y.o. child.

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