Poon Paregentan Family Kef Night (Chelmsford, Mass.)

FEB. 18, 2012 * Poon Paregentan Family Kef Night. Come and enjoy non-stop Armenian and Middle Eastern music and dancing, mezza and dinner, at the Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church in Chelmsford, Mass. Featuring music by the Ani All-Stars: Ara Jeknavorian, clarinet; Greg Krikorian, oud and vocals; Mike Gregian, dumbeg and vocals; Bob Magarian, guitar; and Michael Sabounjian, keyboard and vocals. Begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Kazanjian Memorial Ballroom, Sts. Vartanantz, 180 Old Westford Rd., Chelmsford. Advance tickets (deadline Tues., Feb. 14): $20 adults; $10 children (5-16) or free (under 5). At door: $25 adults, $15 children. Make checks payable to: Sts Vartanantz Women’s Guild. For more information, call Patty at (978) 937-9379 or e-mail pkcookie@comcast.net.

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