Lecture on Human Rights by Paul Rusesabagina (Boston, Mass.)

OCT. 20, 2011 * K. GEORGE AND CAROLANN S. NAJARIAN LECTURE ON HUMAN RIGHTS. The endowed public program of the Armenian Heritage Foundation, sponsor of the Armenian Heritage Park on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway in Boston, Mass. Featuring keynote speaker Paul Rusesabagina, human rights activist; president and founder of the Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation; and the real life hero of the acclaimed film “Hotel Rwanda.” Portrayed by Don Cheadle in the film, Rusesabagina saved the lives of more than 1,200 people during the Rwandan Genocide and has been honored internationally for his heroism. Today, the foundation works to prevent future genocides and raise awareness of the need for a new truth and reconciliation process in Rwanda and the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The lecture series has been inspired by the New England women and men—intellectuals, politicians, diplomats, religious leaders, and ordinary citizens—who, beginning in the 1890’s at Faneuil Hall, heard the eyewitness accounts of the atrocities taking place against the Armenian minority of the Ottoman Empire during World War I and were called to action. These accounts were provided by relief workers, missionaries, and diplomats, such as U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau. Distinguished Bostonians, among them Julia Ward Howe, Clara Barton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Alice Stone Blackwell, heard these accounts and were moved to assist the Armenians. As a result, the American Red Cross launched its first international mission with Clara Barton bringing aid to the Armenians. Philanthropists nationwide raised over $100 million in support. This was America’s first internationally focused human rights movement. Free and open to the public, this annual lecture is offered in partnership with the Bostonian Society and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, universities, and human rights organizations. Begins at 7 p.m. at Faneuil Hall in Boston. For more information, visit www.ArmenianHeritagePark.net.


  1. I would like to bring to your attention that Paul Rusesabagina may not be the right person to address such a high profile gathering for the simple reason that Hotel Rwanda is not a reality but a fiction. Yes, Hotel Rwanda movie and Actor Don Cheadle gave a broadly accurate portrayal of what happened in Rwanda during the 1994 Tutsi Genocide but Paul Rusesabagina is not the man you have seen in the movie.
    According to Survivors of the real HOTEL RWANDA, Paul Rusesabagina “heroism” is based on a fallacy and he did not save any lives in Rwanda. Rusesabagina is using the fame conferred to him by the fiction Hotel Rwanda to promote his revisionist and negationist theories in the US and around the world.
    He has openly come to the defense of some of the architects of the Rwandan GENOCIDE such as General Augustine BIZIMUNGU who is incarcerated in Arusha, Tanzania! The recent ruling in England by Judge Anthony Evans in the case Rwanda Vs Vincent Bajinya, Charles Munyaneza, Emmanuel Nteziryayo and Celestin Ugirashebuja, his testimony was quashed due to his evidence being that of implacable opponent of Current Rwanda Regime. This shows how close Rusesabagina is to the genocide perpetrators. Please Visit http://www.allafrica.com/stories/200806150007.html <http://www.allafrica.com/stories/200806150007.html>  for more details about Rusesabagina’s character.
    He is currently promoting ethnicity which led to the 1994 genocide. Rusesabagina formed a foundation claiming it would help genocide survivors yet it supports his political party (see his party http://www.pdr-ihumure.org <http://www.pdr-ihumure.org/> ).
    With the above brief explanation, it would be insulting to invite him to address distinguished people. The memories of the people who lost their lives during the Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda should be honored with humane judgment.

  2. I was in Rwanda during the Genocide 1994. I know i don’t need anyone to tell me this. Without Paul Rusesabagina I would not be writing this comment right now. A military peace keeper took me at the hotel. He introduced me to Paul. I was worried that he was about to ask me the hotel money. Wich I didn’t have. He didn’t know me. He immediately offered me a room to stay.
    When I first heard the criticism against this man. I was really shocked. For anyone who stayed at the hotel that time and saw the danger we were facing day and night with the management of one man until we were evacuated to Kabuga a city next to Kigali were RPF were based you have to ask yourself what kind of man or woman who will deny the work of Paul Rusesabagina.

  3. Rwandan Tribes Signed Their Own Genocide*
    Genocide recurred, This time between tribes.
    Born from the same century,
    Lived on the same ground.
    Who can understand
    Why they did what they all did?
    Nations stayed watching
    Till lives ended, unread.
    Hate and hate and hate
    Abolishes all faiths,
    Aggravates, dominates till it slays
    Even newborns in wombs, in shade.
    I watched many documentaries on TV
    As if the bones, like branches of trees,
    Fell down, dried like sticks unbound,
    Moved by birds, rats on the bare grounds.
    This is what humanity called
    Kill slay and then cry wail.
    Can Rwandan ask them selves?
    Why that jetted innocent blood was crazed?
    What does it mean to pray
    For bones that can no longer be buried.
    Waiting to be carried?
    To rest unmarried! On sins, none can creed! 
    *Rwandan genocide sparked between Tutsi and Hutu tribes after the death of president J. Habyarimana. His plane was shot down in Kigali airport on April 6, 1994. It was estimated that one million people died. Most of those who perpetuated the violence were Hutus.

    ISBN: 978-1-4363-5509-4 

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