JSAS Releases Latest Issue

The latest issue of the Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies (JSAS), vol. 18, no. 1, was recently released and includes eight original essays covering a wide range of subjects, as well as a research note and commentary article.

Robert W. Thomson’s contribution, “Armenian Biblical Commentaries: The State of Research,” which was first delivered at the Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) 35th Anniversary Conference at UCLA in March 2009, is accompanied by a detailed bibliography that will greatly facilitate additional research on this critical topic. Another paper first delivered at the conference is by Tamara Tonoyan on “HIV/AIDS in Armenia: Migration as a Socio-Economic and Cultural Component of Women’s Risk Settings,” which incorporates fresh materials seldom available in print. Both Ohannes Geukjian, with an essay titled “Armenian Political Parties in Lebanon After the 1989 Ta’if Accord,” and Kari Neely with her “Lebanese Literary Reflections of Soviet Armenian Repatriation,” add to our knowledge of Armenian political parties in Lebanon and how literary reflections of Soviet Armenian repatriation were perceived in the Middle Eastern state.

This issue of the JSAS includes the four remaining papers of the project “A Century of Armenians in America: New Social Science Research,” a collection that is the result of Anny Bakalian’s initiative. Previously published papers in the series by Knarik Avakian, Claudia Der-Martirosian, Margaret Manoogian, Ani Yazedjian, and Ben Alexander are now supplemented by critical essays by Ani C. Moughamian (“Talking About our Culture: Understanding Traditions, Identity, Community, and Schooling Through Armenian American Children’s Narratives); Matthew Ari Jendian (“Intermarriage Among Armenian Americans: Implications for Armenian American Communities and Churches”); Talin Sesetyan (“Intermarriage Among Armenian Americans in New York City and Northern New Jersey: 1995-2005”); and Tara Yaralian, Aghop Der-Karabetian, and Tomas Martinez (“Acculturation, Ethnic Identity, and Psychological Functioning Among Armenian-American Young Adults”). Together these contributions shed important light on the state of Armenians in the
United States and raise important questions to ponder. The journal also includes a research note by editor Joseph Kéchichian on the enigmatic figure of T.E. Lawrence and his mixed views of Armenians with several excerpts from his extensive writings.

The issue also inaugurates a commentary section, which includes a think piece by Bedross Der Matossian titled “Looming Dangers. Turkey and Armenia: Opening Minds, Opening Borders,” which will hopefully become a trailblazer. Such short reflective pieces on issues of current concern will add value to ongoing academic debates.

Starting with this issue of the JSAS, the Society for Armenian Studies adopts a semiannual schedule, to further facilitate the dissemination of its work. JSAS 18:2 is scheduled for publication in the next few weeks. Such a pace will allow for a more regular publication schedule that should further encourage authors to accelerate their research and see their work in print in a refereed publication. Edited by Kéchichian, the journal follows a straightforward policy with respect to submitted essays, as each is read by three referees—two outside experts who are not given the author’s name, as well as by the editor.

Subscriptions to JSAS may be placed with the SAS secretariat, Barlow Der Mugrdechian, by calling (559) 278-2669 or emailing barlowd@csufresno.edu. Individual volumes of the JSAS and back copies of volumes 1-17 are also available for purchase.

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