NOV. 11, 2009 * SLIDE SHOW: ‘HISTORIC ARMENIA.’ The Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA) will feature “A Journey to Historic Armenia: There is Something There!,” a slide presentation by Edward and Mary Ann Kazanjian. The Kazanjians ventured on a 3,000-mile journey through more than 30 cities and villages in historic Armenia this past June. Their presentation will feature photographs and first-hand accounts from their travels. Guests will learn about the Kazandjians’ experiences at Armenian and non-Armenian sites in Istanbul, Mary Ann’s discovery of her great-great-grandfather’s home in Yozgat, and how they came to understand what Peter Goolkasian wrote about in his famous memoir My Life. Begins at 7 p.m. in the museum’s Contemporary Art Gallery (3rd floor), 65 Main St. in Watertown. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit
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