Rumi: Haven’t I Told You?

By Jalal Eddin el Rumi (1207-1273)

Translated by Tatul Sonentz


Haven’t I told you

not to go there,

since I am your family – me,

the only fountain of vivacity

in this ephemeral world?


And even if you managed, in a rage,

to cover a hundred thousand years’ range

away from me towards eternity,

I shall still be your point of return,

for I am your destiny.


Haven’t I told you

not to be

mollified by mundane designs,

for I am the one who depicts

the birthing center

of your beatitude?


Haven’t I told you

I am the sea,

you, the fish,

not to ever dehydrate

for I am your limpid water?


Haven’t I told you

“Avoid –

the nets that snare birds –

come to me, source of the force

of your flight, your wings,

your steps?”


Haven’t I told you:

“Let them

isolate you,

to discourage you –

I am the fire, the radiance,

the heat

that you breathe?”


Haven’t I told you

of your

ugly looks hidden within you?

Disconnect yourself,

for I am

the source of your qualities.


If the light is in your heart

you’ll know where your house is,

and if you are loyal to God,

I am your very soul –

believe it!


……………. Jalal Eddin el Rumi (1207-1273)


Translated by Tatul Sonentz

From the French translation by Sylvie M. Miller

Tatul Sonentz-Papazian

Tatul Sonentz-Papazian

Tatul Sonentz-Papazian is the former editor of the Armenian Review and director of the ARF and First Republic of Armenia Archives, based in Watertown, Mass. He has been a contributor to the Armenian Weekly for over 50 years. He currently directs the Publications Department of the Armenian Relief Society.
Tatul Sonentz-Papazian

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1 Comment

  1. Artur Kalendjian inspired me to imagine my helping harvest his many generationed brilliance in art and metal work into the world of industrial design and fabrication. In so doing I keep bumping into Rumi’s Beloved.

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